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Safety Letter

NPTC Safety Article- August 2024 -Back to School

According to a report by the NHST autumn is the most dangerous time of year for pedestrians. As summer ends, & children return to school, here are some tips to keep in mind


How can you show your drivers appreciation?

Driving truck can be a rewarding career, but it also has its challenges. if you’re looking for ways to tell your drivers that you appreciate them, here are a few options.


What would happen if drivers disappeared? [infographic]

A world without truck drivers is not a pretty world. If truck drivers stopped working, even for a day, the ramifications would be far-reaching. What would the world look like with no truck drivers?


What would happen if truck drivers disappeared?

A world without truck drivers is not a pretty world. If truck drivers stopped working, even for a day, the ramifications would be far-reaching. What would the world look like with no truck drivers?


Centerline Drivers Q2 2024 Transportation Report

Overall, this year is stabilizing but the transportation industry is still facing some obstacles and the emergence of new trends that may disrupt the current state of affairs.


Ways to make your trucking business more green

Trucking businesses have a unique opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint, lower operational costs, & increase efficiency. Here are a few immediate strategies and initiatives you can apply today


Mobile Drivers: A Centerline Solution

Are you in need of qualified, experienced drivers for short-term relocation? Our Mobile Driver service is ready to help.


Centerline Drivers | Your Products, Our People

If trucks stopped moving even for a day, the impact would be felt by every single American. But sometimes you need a little help finding the perfect driver for local routes. That’s where Centerline Drivers comes in

Safety Letter

NPTC Safety Article- June 2024 -Maintaining Composure on the roads

As a professional driver, you can encounter other motorists who lack common courtesy or are distracted and compromised. When you are confronted with an aggressive driver, how should you respond?


Accidents on the rise: 6 essential safety tips for truck drivers

In recent years, road accidents involving trucks have been on the rise, posing significant risks to both drivers and other road users. Here are 6 ways to help reduce accidents.


Your complete guide to centerline’s mobile solution

For many customers, our Mobile solution is the perfect fit for the challenges you face each day. But what is Mobile & how can it help your business? Here's your complete guide to this unique solution

Safety Letter

NPTC Safety Article- May 2024 -Buckle Up

Every year, thousands of people die in vehicle crashes because they are not wearing a seat belt. So why are drivers not using seat belts? Let’s set the record straight.