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Tips to stay safe when on the loading dock

As a driver in the transportation industry, you’re bound to spend at least some of your time on the loading dock. Here are a few tips that can help you stay safe when in this area


Emergency truck kit essentials: how to pack a great kit

Having the right tools can help you respond to any number of emergencies as a truck driver. This is where an emergency truck kit comes into play, and here are some essentials for packing a great kit.


Nighttime safety tips for truck drivers

If you are typically behind the wheel during the nighttime hours, here are some tips that can help keep you—and everyone else on the road—more safe.


How to master the 5 principles of Smith System driving

There are many types of driving systems to choose from but one of the most common is the Smith System. Learn the critical points of the Smith System for truck drivers to stay safe on the road.


Safety incentive programs: Why your company needs one & how to get started

There is great value in creating a safety incentive program—especially for companies that employ drivers. Here, we talk about what this type of program looks like and the benefits it provides.


Keeping truck drivers safe

Because trucking is such a vital part of business, Centerline conducted our first annual State of Trucking survey to gather insights of truck drivers and those that employ drivers.


Tips for flatbed truck drivers to maximize safety and efficiency

Flatbed truck drivers are critical to keeping our country up and running. Here are a few tips that can help keep you and your load safe while maximizing your efficiency.


5 critical safety metrics you should be tracking for your drivers

As someone who employs or uses drivers, your top priority should be the health and safety of your drivers. One way to ensure you are keeping safety top of mind is by tracking safety metrics.


Preventing distracted driving as a truck driver

As a truck driver, there are quite a few things you can do to help lower these numbers and reduce your distractions while on the road for work. Here are a few to consider.


CSA point values: What do drivers and employers need to know?

Compliance, Safety and Accountability Points were created to ensure drivers and employers comply with safety standards set by FMCSA. Learn what you need to know about CSA points as a truck driver.


Three Points of Contact Rule [Infographic]

You can reduce or prevent sprains and strains by following a simple 3-point rule when getting in or out of your truck.


The 6 Most Common Causes for Flat Tires

Long days on the road means the chances of experiencing truck trouble, such as flat tires, are high. And while no one enjoys getting a flat tire, it is important to know the common causes and some of the steps to possibly avoid flats.