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The 6 Most Common Causes for Flat Tires

Long days on the road means the chances of experiencing truck trouble, such as flat tires, are high. And while no one enjoys getting a flat tire, it is important to know the common causes and some of the steps to possibly avoid flats.


Inattentional Blindness: What it is and how it impacts you

Inattentional blindness or perceptual blindness is as a psychological lack of attention that is not associated with any defects or deficits.


Traveling safe in construction zones

For truck drivers, who encounter dangerous road situations as a regular part of their job, staying safe adds another layer. This is particularly true when it comes to navigating busy construction zone


How to prevent pallet-related injuries

Pallet injuries are very common in industrial and warehouse settings as people often do not store them correctly or use them as stepping stools. 


3 reasons why Centerline’s safety program is different

With Centerline Drivers, you can rest easy. Like you, we are serious about safety and have over 40 years of perfect DOT audits to prove it.


Are you prepared for spring driving? 5 tips to stay safe

Spring safety tips to prepare truck drivers for the moment to moment changing weather. Drive safely with these spring driving tips.


Preventing Truck Driving Accidents [Infographic]

At Centerline, the safety of our drivers is always our highest priority. To celebrate National Safety Month, we’ve put together a quick guide on preventing accidents on the road


What's Impacting Truck Accidents

Collisions happen. Be on the lookout for these common factors to help you avoid accidents on the road.


Your ultimate guide to driver safety

While there are many factors that impact truck driving accidents including distracted driving and traffic—safety training and being prepare makes a huge difference to keep drivers safe


Driver Safety Checklist

Here at Centerline, keeping our drivers safe is always your number one priority. This checklist is a tool to help drivers double check their trucks to eliminate downtime and violations


Surviving summer peak season

The busy season of summer is here. It is now a time of more construction, more traffic and more heat. As a driver, you need to make sure you are prepared. Use these tips to stay at your best during one of the busiest times of the year.


Staying safe on the road this Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is the most hazardous day to be out on the roads. Use these six best practices while sharing the road with distracted drivers.