Driver Spotlight: Tips for Maintaining Relationships on the Road

November 21, 2019 Casey Nighbor

Driving can often be a thankless job that puts stress on home and family life. Long hours or odd shifts make it hard to see the ones you love, or can cause you to miss some of life’s biggest moments. We recently sat down with two Centerline drivers, Shaun and Guillermo, to discuss the importance of maintaining relationships while on the road.

Guillermo learned the importance of maintaining relationships quickly as an over the road driver. He explained that he was on the road for months, and it became “tough being away from everyone I cared about.” This distance is what eventually motivated Guillermo to pursue a career as a local driver.

For Shaun, driving becomes difficult when he’s away from his 3 children, ages 7, 3 and 1. “I try not to miss anything,” explains Sean, “luckily I’ve only ever missed one thing – a father-daughter dance.” Sean let us know that no matter what, he makes an effort to see and talk to his kids. Whether a simple phone call, or a video call, Shaun always wants to be present.

And it’s not just personal relationships that matter. Both Shaun and Guillermo, drivers with over 10 years of combined experience, discussed the importance of keeping in touch with mentors and friends. Trainers and other drivers not only provide important information on changes in the industry, but can keep you abreast of great opportunities. Shaun explained that, “You should never be too proud to take advice. We’re all in this together.” Adding to this sentiment was Guillermo, saying, “It’s important to keep relationships – you can never make too many phone calls to friends or family.”

 Centerline is your career coach, dedicated to helping you find driving jobs that best fit your schedule and lifestyle. Let us know how we can help you maintain those important relationships by finding jobs that keep you close to home.

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